This performance is from the comedic ensemble Lach- & Schießgesellschaft, an immensely popular comedy house in Munich, Germany.
Sebastian Rüger and Frank Smilgies – known as the cabaret duo Ulan & Bator – will joyful connect highly comical fantasies with a wrong-headed world view; they are the political momentum of the ensemble.
Caroline Ebner counters with the cabaret-absurd worldview of perfect equally and its clever convoluted associations. Caroline performed in other high-profile ensembles such as the Munich Kammerspiele before finally arriving at the only true ensemble!!
Norbert Bürger, a studied guitarist, composer and comedian, sets the pace and has taught the ensemble as a trained choral director satirical Flötentöne (teaching what’s what)! His miniature musical combine the issues from multiple crises with contemporary music in a playful manner.