PRAHAha is an international comedy festival organized by “Nadacni Fond Comedy in Prague“ a nonprofit trust in accordance with Czech Law.
Our mission is to provide a humorous, international, and multilingual cultural exchange where people from different countries, backgrounds & ages meet and connect through comedy.
We have over 50 comedians performing in 3 different languages (Czech, German, English) from 12 different countries!
PRAHAha began when three like-minded individuals attended a German-speaking comedy event in Prague. The event had a room of 150 people laughing for a continuous hour and a half – the effect this had on the co-founders was profound. Immediately following the show they started discussing potential ways of bringing more comedy into the world. After several hours of conversation, they agreed on establishing a non-profit to organize a comedy festival in their current home city of Prague, Czech Republic.
PRAHAha - Cool name! As a comedian, I always appreciate a good pun. -
The goal of the festival would be to create a cultural exchange within three languages – English, German, and Czech. This exchange would bring comedians and comedy lovers (new and old) from all over the world together and provide a shared experience. The experience of laughter, something each co-founder thought the world did not have enough of.
Just a few short weeks later they had a cool name, had the organization registered under that cool name, and had assembled a small group of people to help them to make this dream a reality. They did research and got things done. A few months later they hired over 50 comedians, built a website, signed venue contracts, established a social media presence, and began everything that is needed to make the PRAHAha International Comedy Festival a success.
Juerg was born in the Swiss mountains but has been living in Prague for over 15 years. His work is in real estate, but his fun is in comedy, diving, climbing and flying gliders.
Rainer is a German who has been living in Prague for the last 10 years. He believes there’s not enough laughter in the world and that the best way to create culture is by laughing together.
Eckart, a German native, is part of the “Schönberger Fenster Kabarett” ensemble. He loves to watch comedy is all forms and is excited about bringing top-quality comedy to Prague.
Dominik, a Prague native, is a jack-of-all-trades in the comedy scene; he is part producer, part moderator, part entertainer, part stand-up comedian as “Dominik Heřman Lev”, and part scriptwriter.
Peter is of German & Czech origins. He has lived in the USA, Germany, and currently resides in Prague.
Tomáš, a Prague native, has spent over 30 years in the software development industry. Now he enjoys participating in the development of some good fun.
Michaela is savvy, seasoned, and a longtime fan and supporter of comedy and comedians. By joining the PRAHAha team as an advisor, she became a pillar in providing support through her good knowledge of Prague.
Lynn is a little person with loads of languages, passion for sports and witty humor. As an event manager, she loves bringing people together, through organizing, those kind of events where people meet, learn together, get inspired and leave the event doing things differently than before. That is what PRAHAha is to her, a perfect event to have a great time and learn more from great comedians.